Does anyone use StorageTek devices with Legato?

From: Kevin Criss <>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:50:45 -0500 (EST)

[Q] Does anyone use StorageTek devices attached to a Tru64 Unix box?


We have an alpha server which uses the Legato software to back up a growing
variety of servers in our servers farm. A new server sprouts up every 3 or 4
weeks. We are asked to back up these new servers as they sprout. Currently we
use a 2-drive 10-cartridge DLT tape device. We feel we are outgrowing this
device and are looking at our upgrade options. Our backup environment is
currently LAN-bound at 100baseT but eventually we hope to move into a LAN-free
fibre-channel storage area network that the industry calls a SAN.

The Legato web site reports a number of StorageTek tape silos which are
compatable with their Legato software.

The Unisys mainframe site reports a number of StorageTek tape silos compatable
with their Unisys mainframes.

I can't find Tru64 Unix's positon on StorageTek devices.

Our datacenter manager, a Tape Librarian is a previous life, likes the
StorageTek name brand. She also wants to centralize her tape library into one
device/library/media pool for licensing, maintenance, and support issues.

Recently the Unisys mainframe operating system is now able to make backups using
its FAS software to DLT tapes drives. However for mainframe audit trail
purposes we still require a couple of 9840s or 36-track tapes because DLTs are
still too slow for auditing but we prefer the DLTs for all other applications.

The StorageTek device I am looking at, a TimberWolf 9740, supports a variety of
mixed media, including the 9840s, DLTs, standard 36-track, ETape, EETape, and
the RedWood SD-3 drives. I only need [4 DLT drives and 2 9840 drives] or [4 DLT
drives and 2 standard 36-track drives]. Since we still have round tapes drives
we just might keep our old 36-track tape drives too and just provision the
TimberWolf for [6 DLT drives].

What we don't know is but hoping to find out from this LIST is, does anyone use
StorageTek devices attached to their Tru64 Unix boxes. My primary Legato server
runs on an Alpha box. I have a lot invested in licensing dollars for that box
too. I am expanding my backup business on the Alpha server. Two DLT drives are
no longer sufficent at my level of business. I would like to recomend we
purchase a StorageTek device and dedicate 4 tape drives to the alpha box and two
tape drives to the mainframe. Before I do this I would like to hear if any of
you have experience with this type of device.

I am open to any 4 or more drive DLT tape device suggestions. StorageTek or

Kevin Criss
Received on Thu May 11 2000 - 15:51:28 NZST

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