HSZ40 desupport Notice???

From: Jean-François Blanchet <Jfblanchet_at_dgeq.qc.ca>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 11:33:13 -0400

Hi managers,

We have bought two alpha 2100a with two HSZ40 controllers in a trucluster configuration 5 years ago. We have paid a lot for that hardware (This is the first time we bought other computer than PC!). Now Compaq send a notice that the HSZ40 will not be supported in the future release of Tru64 Unix (version 5.1).

I we want to continue to have the latest version of Tru64 Unix, we have to spent a lot.

My question is :

I don't know the past of Digital, but is it current to make customer the obligation to change hardware at five years ...

I talk to Sun customers that told me that the new version of Solaris continue to support hardware over eleven years old.

After my vacation , I have to evaluate the cost for the upgrading and the cost to past to another vendor...


Jean-Francois Blanchet

Service des ressources informatiques

Le Directeur général des élections
du Québec
3460, rue de La Pérade
Sainte-Foy (Québec) CANADA
G1X 3Y5

Téléphone : (418) 644-9339
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Received on Tue Jun 20 2000 - 15:35:16 NZST

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