OK, folks, here's an interesting one.
At 5:15 AM I have cron run a script. Find does not report the files it
should. The first command gives the expected results. The second command
reports nothing.
ls -l 00.04.2*
/sbin/find . -mtime -1 -type f -print | xargs ls -l
At 7:15 AM I have cron run the same script. Both commands give the
expected results, reporting the 50 or 60 files which have been created in
the last day.
What's happening?
Is it possible that defragcron is causing find to fail? What else could it
be? The system is reasonably quiet. Backups don't happen until 5:25 AM
and are finished by 6:00 AM for partials and 7:00 AM for fulls. This is DU
4.0D. How can ls report files and find not report the same files?
Bruce J. Senn Phone: (518) 388-6664
Senior System Manager FAX: (518) 388-6458
Union College Email: sennb_at_union.edu
Schenectady, NY 12308 WWW:
Received on Thu Apr 27 2000 - 13:10:39 NZST