unresolved externals with NAG 17 library calls.

From: Marie-Francoise Thiry <mfdevil_at_ulb.ac.be>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 17:40:52 +0100 (MET)


Last friday, we upgraded the OS of our GS 140 from Tru64-V4.0E to Tru64-V4.0F.
We also upgraded the Fortran Compiler from 5.1 to 5.3 and the HPF library
from 1.5 to 1.7.

Since that, compiling a fortran source including calls to NAG routines is
aborted in the linking phase :
  aster2.ulb.ac.be_at_mfdevil >f90 -o bin f.f -lnagsmp -ldxmlp
  f90: Severe: Failed while trying to link.
Same results with the old f77 compiler. We are 100% sure that these calls
originate from the nag routines.

We were told that these entries were part of KAP fortran but we never
had the license for this package and it worked 4 days ago.

Any idea to get rid of this problem is welcome.
Thanks in advance

Marie-Francoise Devillers-Thiry - System .
Brussels Free Universities Computer Center (ULB)- CP 197.
50,Av. F.D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM.

Email : MF.Devillers_at_ulb.ac.be Tel : ++32 2 6503728 Fax : ++32 2 6503740
Received on Tue Jan 25 2000 - 16:41:57 NZDT

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