Oracle users and large memory

From: Brian Hostetter <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 12:51:28 -0500

We have kind of an interesting problem. We are running oracle on a 4.0F ES40, and are having some problems with Memory. The oracle instance cannot start if db_block_buffers is greater than 40K. The reason I assume is that the block size is 8K which gives us 300 some odd Meg of DB Buffers. Add a 300M shared pool and we cannot allocate more memory to the oracle user.

Here are the relevant OS params:
bash-2.02# sysconfig -q ipc
msg-max = 8192
msg-mnb = 16384
msg-mni = 1024
msg-tql = 4096
shm-max = 2139095040
shm-min = 1
shm-mni = 128
shm-seg = 64
sem-mni = 128
sem-msl = 25
sem-opm = 10
sem-ume = 10
sem-vmx = 32767
sem-aem = 16384
num-of-sems = 2700
max-kernel-ports = 22487
port-hash-max-num = 1124350
port-reserved-max-num = 22487
set-max-num = 1029
ssm-threshold = 8388608
ssm-enable-core-dump = 1

vm-maxvas = 7516192768
vm-mapentries = 400

max-proc-per-user = 267
max-threads-per-user = 532
per-proc-stack-size = 2097152
max-per-proc-stack-size = 33554432
per-proc-data-size = 134217728
max-per-proc-data-size = 7516192768
max-per-proc-address-space = 7516192768
per-proc-address-space = 1073741824

How do I allow the oracle user to use more than about 800M. I have 8G of ram in this box and most of it is sitting there idle.

Ideas? Oracle tells me it is an OS issue, and wont give me much help on it.

Received on Tue Aug 29 2000 - 18:15:54 NZST

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