Beginning with TRU64 Unix V5.0 the device naming conventions changed.
I am still trying to fully understand the new device names.
I have an issue particular to NSR 5.5.2 and TRU 64 V5.0A
On my V4.0X systems I have TZ887 tapedrives which are setup with NSR 5.5.2
to do backups. The device specifications are like:
I am working on setting up a 5-Tapedrive TL895, the drives are TZ89's
inside that tape library. I am using NSR 5.5.2 and TRU 64 V5.0A, which
is a supported Legato configuration for NSR.
My question:
What are the proper devices specifications for NSR?
I assume I need the equal device names to above so:
Anyone out there have thoughts on this? Or a better device to use?
# Stephen LaBelle #
# Senior Unix Systems Administrator #
# Metropolitan State College of Denver #
# Denver, Colorado USA #
# labelles_at_mscd.edu #
Received on Tue Jul 11 2000 - 19:03:03 NZST