password syntax settings - Tru64 4.0F

From: Dennis Peacock <>
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 12:08:00 -0600

I am trying to establish password syntax requirements on a GS140 server, 8
EV6 processors, 8GB of memory, 3TB of disk space, running Tru64 version 4.0F
Patch Kit 3. I have upgraded the system security from BASE to C2 Enhanced
and now I need to do the following:

The new password requirements are:

a. the password cannot contain more than (2) consecutive repeating

b. Must contain at least (1) alphabetic character

c. must contain at least (1) character not found in the previous password

d. must contain at least (1) non-alphabetic character

My problem is that I can NOT find how to set these under Tru64. Here are
the settings like "minlen", miminum length, that was provided as a result of
the security audit with what setting to set:

a. (maxrepeats)
b. (minalpha)
c. (mindiff)
d. (minother)

I was able to set "minlen" as it is found in the Tru64 Security manual.

Any suggestions and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Received on Sat Nov 04 2000 - 18:13:29 NZDT

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