Due to an upgrade from NSR 4.3 -> NSR 5.5.1 we were forced
to upgrade TZ88 firmware in our TL822 robot.
We finally got hands on the firmware-files. There are indeed *special*
Robot-TZ88 firmware images (so called DGL-Versions).
After burning the firmware into the tapes everything worked out fine,
and the tapes didn't lock the robot after being fully written.
Thanks go to anyone involved, and special thanks to the list at all.
The replies:
From: C.Ruhnke <>
First let me say that I can't help with your immediate problem.
BUT! I have two TL812 libraries installed with 4 TZ88 in each. My
"scu show edt bus <n> full" reveals that all my drives are at the
same firmware level yours are. I am running NSR V5.2 without any
apparent problems.
Question 1) Why are you upgrading only to NSR V5.1? NSR V5.2 was delivered
with Digital UNIX V4.4.
Question 2) Where did you get the information that the TZ88 firmware needed
to be upgraded? I never saw any notices to that effect.
First, it is worth noting that the TL822 is simply a TL820
family media changer and three TZ88 (N in your case) tape
drives. The media changer and drives have minimal contact.
I believe the library drives (for the TL822, TL826 and TL812)
use different firmware from the standalone drives, but I
don't remember now. When I was doing firmware upgrades
we had far more library drives than standalone and I used
a single tape for all the libraries. At the time we didn't
have any standalone TZ88s.
At some point engineering changed the firmware to use a
common version that would work on all drives. I think
this was only for the TZ89 drives though. For some libraries
it was a two step process to get the drives to use the newer,
common code, with an intermediate firmware load.
If I'm remembering correctly, I think you just need the
firmware upgrade for library drives vs. standalone drives.
Looking around internally, there are two V80 TZ88 firmware
images; one for TZ88, TZ885 and TZ887 (DEC) and one for
libraries (DGL). You would appear to have the DEC version
and need the DGL version for the drives in the TL822.
The firmware tape is an ANSI labeled tape, so you should
be able to check the file name using ltf on a Tru64 UNIX
For what it is worth, the media changer firmware is
upgraded through the diagnostic port using a Windows
PC (NOT running NT). The firmware comes as .hex files
that have to be loaded using the library diagnostic
software. Services usually has laptops loaded with the
appropriate software. Since we did this sort of thing
lot, we had a Windows 95 PC setup in our lab running
the utility.
From: Tom Webster <>
Did you request the firmware update for a standalone TZ88 or for updating
the drives in the jukebox? It looks like they sent you the wrong tape.
The TZ88N should refer to a North American unit -- I don't think this
is a problem inside the TL8xx cabinet.
There is different firmware for the TZ88 units in ATL (A.K.A. Digital
TL8xx) jukeboxes. One firmware tape will handle the standalone drives
and the mini-jukeboxes (i.e. TZ887), but another tape is needed for
TL8xx series.
As far as I know we've never put the DLT firmware update
images in a public place. Services would probably throw
a fit if Storage did. If the drives aren't on a service
contract, you'll have a pay the per-call charge to get
them upgraded.
My original posting:
Hi managers,
Due to the fact we are forced to upgrade our running Networker from 4.3
to 5.1 we ran into the problem of having old firmware (CC33) in our Tape
Library TL822 DLT TZ88N-Tapes.
We managed to make a call at Digital last year (oct 98) and they sent us an
upgrade tape with the (at this time) latest firmware for the tapes. The Label
on the tape reads (handwritten) "TZ88 firmware V115".
Now following the update-procedure (press unload 6 secs, release, press again)
the tape in the library goes into FWUP-mode an awaits the firmware tape.
After inserting the tape (after blinking, calibrating, reading, etc)
the manuals say (an we proofed this on a standalone TZ88) the 'Write Protect'
and 'Tape In Use' should blink alternately. Well they do on a standalone, they
don't in the library. the 'Tape In Use' just stays on doing nothing.
We don't have any warranty anymore, the TL822 isn't sold/supported anymore and
Quantum says: Ask Mr. Digital.
So my questions are:
- Is there anyone out there knowing the exact procedure
to upgrade the firmware in a TL822 ? Everthing goes fine up to the
point when the nvram should get written.
- Is it possible a TZ88N has other firmware ? Has anyone out there
a firmware tape for this kind of tape ? (TZ88N is what it says
on a yellow sticker in the library)
Here's some additional info:
# scu sh e b 4 full
SCSI Bus ID: 4
SCSI Target ID: 5
SCSI Target LUN: 0
Peripheral Device Type: 0x1 (Sequential Access)
Peripheral Qualifier: 0 (Peripheral Device Connected)
Vendor Identification: DEC
Product Identification: TZ88 (C) DEC
Firmware Revision Level: CC33
As I said, the Digital supplied tape (v115) works fine a stand alone system.
maybe there is a trick to enable FW upgrade in a library (switches, interlock,
jumpers). We even thought of pulling out the nvram in the standalone-system
and replacing it in the library <-- see, that how urgent this is for us 8-(
Dipl.Ing. Peter Marquardt/// B.O.F.H. Max-Planck-Institute Molecular Genetics
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..================== *The Turtle Moves* ===================================..
Received on Mon Jan 10 2000 - 17:12:48 NZDT