Sorry for the late summary,
Thanks to Frank Wortner and Jonathan Nicholson for the replies.
I'll think I go for Franks suggestion because all our routers uses static
routing and to get Jonathans answer to work they need to use RIP.
/Jan Noring
Frank Wortner:
Actually, that is exactly the way to do it. Add an ifconfig alias line
into the user defined startup script.
/usr/sbin/ifconfig xx1 alias
That is actually what the ASE system does in its software. You should also
add a corresponding ifconfig -alias entry in the shutdown script so that the
failover works correctly:
/sbin/sbin/ifconfig xx1 -alias -abort
Obviously, replace the "xx1" and the "" with the correct adapter and
address for your system.
We use a similar set up here, but we have a disk service (ours is a
database and web server) in an ASE environment. The database and web server
has both an external (Internet) and internal interface. We move IP
addresses on both adapters at failover this way. It works quite well.
Jonathan Nicholson:
You need to use ASE_ROUTING, it's a feature that was introduced with 4.0f
to address this very problem.
Basically the ASE will announce a route to the service when it takes it
over. So although your 3rd alpha doesn't know about the 192.168.0.x
network it'll know how to route traffic to the service.
See the Trucluster Software - Administrator's Guide paragraph 3.4.2 for
more information.
-----Original Message-----
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Noring, Jan wrote:
> Dear managers,
> I have a dual DS20 cluster running Tru64 v.4.0F and ASE 1.6 with two
> adapters in each server. One is used for the office network and the other
> for intercluster communication. The network card for the cluster
> communication uses addresses like and so we don't
> use up to many real IP-addresses. In that address space I have a NFS
> service that both servers share. Now I would like to share this NFS
> with an other alpha server on another network. I understand that if I
> the service name IP-address to a real one the service will be immediately
> available, but I would still like to have the cluster disc access to be on
> the network. To have as little traffic on official network
> possible.
> Can I only add another IP-address to the NFS service configuration ? Where
> What I can see, it can't be done directly from asemgr, but possible in a
> user defined startup script or by modifying the existing one for the NFS
> service.
Jan Noring phn. +46 (0) 21-109603 Tekla Software AB
Tekla Software AB fax. +46 (0) 21-109609
Sigurdsgatan 21
eMail: gsm. +46 (0) 709-779688 721 30
Received on Wed May 03 2000 - 06:16:07 NZST