When trying to unpack a tar-archive from disk (approx 740 Megs) which was
ftp-ed from another machine to one of our 4.0-D alpha 2100 we received the
following error message :
tar: Ready for volume 2
tar: Type "go" when ready to proceed (or "q" to abort): go
tar: [offset 704m+30k+779]: Continuing
tar: DECEDI_000807133323_archive : This doesn't look like a tar archive
tar: DECEDI_000807133323_archive : Skipping to next file...
tar: Memory allocation failed for extended data while reading : Not enough
There isn't a second volume so the archive looks corrupted. Are there any
ways to recover the file, or are there any other tricks (beyond recreating
the archive on the sending machine and unpacking it again) to extract the
archive. Any help is appreciated.
Gert-Jan Hilbrands
Received on Thu Sep 21 2000 - 13:16:09 NZST