Hi, I've been burning CDs on a Linux box using cdrecord & the GUI front
end gcombust. I need to be able to use these on Digital Unix.
The CDs are burnt in ISO9660 / Rock Ridge format & look fine under Linux,
but when they are mounted on Digital Unix they give '. not found' when you
try to read them....
Any ideas?
= Jonathan Nicholson - System Administrator +44 1223 494987 (internal 4987) =
= The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambs, CB10 1SA =
= Email: jjn_at_sanger.ac.uk (Work) (finger jjn_at_byron.sanger.ac.uk for PGP Key) =
Received on Tue Jan 11 2000 - 15:37:25 NZDT