I have been working to install few of my newly arrived workstationswith OS
4.0F using RIS.
We configured one of the servers are RIS server. Dumped the OS disk on to
the /var/adm/ris area and used the joind daemon to install the OS.
The installtion worked well..But I have few lingering questions which I
want to run it by you good people.
1. The installtion was very SLOW. It took more than double the about of
time it takes to install from a regular CD. Is it expected.
2. I saw it was using PAX comands to compress and uncompress the OS over
the network and at one time i had to type "go" for the next archieve which
I thought was caused by some network failure. Has anybody seen this
We have 100mpbs ethernet cards connected to a 100mbps HUB.The workstations
are XP1000.
Received on Fri Feb 25 2000 - 16:08:12 NZDT