For those of you with 5.0A systems:
I recently upgraded an Alpha 2100 from version 4.0F to 5.0A.
I was trying a new command to locate the system disk, /sbin/hwmgr -flash
light -dsf dsk0 , without specifying a period of time (seconds). By
default, this should take 30 seconds. It never stopped. I tried the same
command for 30 seconds, but it kept flashing. Also, I tried other SCSI
disks, but they never responded. I rebooted the system, and now, it takes
long time to log in as root (5 minutes) through the command console. Once
I'm in, I can't go to single user mode (initsh: /sbin/rc0: can not
execute). I tried re-building the kernel, but the system disk still
flashing all the time.
How can I stop the flash light on the disk?
All hints are welcome.
Orlando Gurdiel
Received on Thu Sep 21 2000 - 18:00:44 NZST