HSZ80/SWCC Agent configuration

From: Willeat, Todd <TWilleat_at_MHP.SMHS.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 17:28:25 -0600

Hi Managers,

Using scu show edt, I see three devices on our HSZ80:
bus 2, target 0, lun 1 (/dev/rzb16c)
bus 2, target 0, lun 2 (/dev/rzc16c)
bus 2, target 0, lun 3 (/dev/rzd16c)

This seems to match the information I get from the CLI interface to the
HSZ80 - we have three units: D1, D2, D3

However, our SWCC Agent storage.ini file shows 4 units: rrzb16c, rrzg16c,
rrzf16c, rrzc16c. rrzb16c is also listed as the CCL and the Virtual CCL is
disabled. Since rrzg16c and rrzf16c don't exist, the agent is generating
warnings every 5 minutes. I want to reconfigure the SWCC agent to prevent

My questions from a DEC/Compaq newbie standpoint are:
How can I reconfigure the agent to see the correct number of units?
Would enabling the Virtual CCL (rrzb16c) destroy any data (this is an 88GB
RAID 5 set)?

Thanks, and I'll summarize...

Todd Willeat
UNIX Administrator

40 Corporate Center
425 South Woods Mill Road
Chesterfield, Missouri 63017-3492
 Phone: (314) 214-2329
     Fax: (314) 214-8202
E-Mail: twilleat_at_mhp.smhs.com
    Web: http://www.mercyhealthplans.com/
Received on Mon Nov 27 2000 - 23:32:50 NZDT

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