A program that crashes Tru64 v5.0

From: Sinisa Segvic <ssegvic_at_ZEMRIS.FER.HR>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 17:19:02 +0100 (MET)

A program from the archive of this list regularly crashes
Tru64 v5.0 installed on an AlphaStation AS 600 5/333
when run from user mode (of course, I was interested
in allowing users to mount documentation CDROMs
without root privileges).

I have isolated the problem:

% cat crash.c

main() {

  char* args[20];

  execve(args[0], args, 0);


% cc crash.c
% a.out

<the screen becomes dark>

trap: invalid memory read access from kernel mode

After that the processor halts.

Of course, the program is incorrect, execve demands
that the last element of the array of arguments be NULL,
but the program should not crash the system.

I am quite an unexperienced administrator (started this job
a few weeks ago) and I am not sure whether it is possible
that my system is misconfigured.
However that could hardly be the case since I confirmed
almost all default configuration options.

Which is the relevant e-mail address for reporting such problems?
Received on Tue Nov 07 2000 - 16:22:49 NZDT

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