SUMMARY: Cannot login into 4100

From: Frederick, Bill <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 11:19:13 -0500

Original question:

>I sure this is an easy one for somebody. When I try to login to our 4100
>(4.0d pk#3), all I get is the light blue screen with the message "Starting
>the Common Desktop Environment" and it never lets me in or time out. Any

Thanks to the many who replied.

I apologize for the late summary, but the final solution was a reboot of the
server. I received many suggestions (and have included some in this
summary) indicating this has been a problem for others. I tried every one
of them and worked with Compaq support for a day -- nothing worked. I have
posted the responses I received and appreciate the help everyone gave me.

Try logging in over the net or using the command
line login at the console and remove the .dt directory
and .dtprofile file.
>From either a failsafe login session or a command line do the following:

Please run xsetup. This will display a message telling you what you are
currently using and
then ask you which windowing environment you which to use. Answer this
by either taking
the default provided, or changing and then answer yes to the question
about stopping the
current xdisplay manager and restart now. After this has restarted, try
logging in again.
First guess is that you are running NIS and you are having network problems.
Usually when you get this you are having some kind of network connectivity.

Attempt to login in using failsafe mode to help find out what is really
First, can you get a normal telnet or dumb terminal login to your account?
If so, this sounds very much like a hosed .dtprofile file to me...

Did you put any terminal setup commands in .dtprofile? You have to be very
careful about this with CDE. If you put something like

stty erase "^?"

or something similar in .dtprofile you will never be able to log in
Check the /tmp directory for an older file referring to the IP of your
Xdisplay device...
Cd to your $HOME/.dt directory and look in the files errorlog and startlog.
These files log the CDE startup/login process and usually provide some
Received on Sun Feb 20 2000 - 16:20:27 NZDT

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