Thanks the following administrator's help:
Robert Honore. <>
Shadow Dolphin <>
Todd Serulneck <>
Frank Wortner <>
Sean Harding <>
Origin question:
Hi, SysAdmins:
When I execute the command
who -M
It displays as following:
fmrp ttypa Mar 16 15:07 (localhost)
fwgk ttypb Mar 16 14:54 (localhost)
fwgk ttyt7 Mar 16 13:44 (
My question is:
How can I know the IP address of the processes which disply "localhost" as the
IP address?
We had not set the IP address of user's machine in the file /etc/hosts. We only
set the IP address of the printer server in the file.
But I had not get what I wanted. because we are using Oracle Application 10.7. And
the users connect to Compaq GS60 using Oracle Application Display. But some user's
IP address displayed out, and other user's IP address did not displayed out. I find
if I telnet to GS60 by the telnet software provided by Microsoft Windows, it
will display the IP address. But if I connect to GS60 by the Oracle Application
Display, It won't display the IP address.
Thank you very much!
WinterSun Zhao
Received on Fri Mar 17 2000 - 03:19:16 NZDT