Summary: Script to monitor log sizes

From: Ron Bramblett <>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 20:14:48 +0000

Thanks for the quick responses I had 3 already.

from Michael Bucholtz
you could setup a simple shell script to run via cron to e-mail the size
each logfile to you every couple of days..


#! /bin/ksh
ls -l /var/adm/messages >/tmp/msg.tmp
ls -l /var/adm/sialog >>/tmp/msg.tmp
cat /tmp/msg.tmp | /usr/bin/mailx -s "Logfile sizes" email_at_address

Not the prettiest thing..but at least you'll know how big certain

#2 from Jim Fitzmaurice

Have you tried BigBrother It can monitor many things and

has extension scripts to monitor things like log files. With Kermit and
modem BigBrother can even send you pages, but it's default is to send
e-mail. It also has a html display you can set up to visually monitor
systems. It might be a little overkill in your case but it's OSS and
cost anything to download and use. It's definitely worth looking into,
personally I don't know what I'd do without it.

#3 from Jeremy Mates

>From crontab, call a script similar to the following with agruments of
the full pathname of the file to check, and size limit (in bytes) every
so often:


# first argument is where to find file, second how large it can be
# before squaking
if (-s $ARGV[0] > $ARGV[1]) {

I just wasn't sure what the correct way to call a mail system was.

Ron Bramblett                   | Men never do evil so completely & cheerfully
Systems Administrator           | as when they do it with religious conviction.
The Fuller Brush Company        |                               - Blaise Pascal
Received on Mon Mar 06 2000 - 20:09:06 NZDT

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