I was looking for a more sophisticated replacement for xbiff.
Thanks to Stephen Oxley, Sean O'Connell and Oisin McGuinness.
Firstly I was wrong about xbiff not be able to handle pop servers.
See Oisin's reply below.
What I'm really looking for is not just a pop aware biff but
one that's easy to configure - preferably with a GUI interface.
Something like kbiff would be perfect.
Stephen suggested freshmeat.net under appindex/X11/eMail so
I looked on the local mirror and found: Biff-PD, checkmails,
CMC, Gwatch, NetBiff, SkyeCheck, spliff, Watcher.
Sean suggested these:
A quick look through the FreeBSD ports collection for mail
http://www.freebsd.org/ports/mail.html) tools reveals only
youbin appears works with pop. www.imap.org would reveal
(user-utils and unix)
I also know about:
So far I've had only had time to try netbiff which isn't quite what
I need. I'll try some of the others when I get a chance.
_/ Ian Mortimer _/
_/ ian_at_physics.uq.edu.au ,-_|\ Department of Physics _/
_/ Tel: +61 7 3365 3400 / *\ University of Queensland _/
_/ Fax: +61 7 3365 1242 \_,-._/ St. Lucia, Brisbane _/
_/ v Queensland, Australia 4072 _/
Disclaimer: Speaking only for myself.
Oisin McGuinness said about xbiff:
xbiff can handle pop servers perfectly well.
Here is my app-defaults file (from an Ultrix box admittedly)
! 2-11-94
! Check every 2 minutes by default
XBiff*Mailbox.checkCommand: /usr/bin/mh/biffchk
XBiff*Mailbox.update: 120
XBiff*Mailbox.onceOnly: true
The mh/biffchk command should be in any standard MH package; you
will need to make it point to your pop server by customizing
the mtstailor file of course.
You can make essentially any command you want for checkCommand;
you could even have several xbiff's using different X properties to
monitor several different mail boxes.
Received on Fri Jan 21 2000 - 02:45:11 NZDT