Add member a Cluster???

From: José Luis Vásquez <>
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 04:15:18 -0600 (CST)

Hi managers,
I am upgrade my Trucluster to V1.6(SO 4.0F, PK4), and
to add a member, have the a Problema:
GCPD:> asemgr

        TruCluster Production Server (ASE)

                ASE Main Menu

    a) Managing the ASE -->
    m) Managing ASE Services -->
    s) Obtaining ASE Status -->

    x) Exit ?) Help

Enter your choice: a

                Managing the ASE
    a) Add a member
    d) Delete a member
    n) Modify the network configuration
    m) Display the status of the members
    C) Display the configuration of the ASE database
    l) Set the logging level
    e) Edit the error alert script
    t) Test the error alert script
     ) Enable ASE V1.6 functionality

    q) Quit (back to the Main Menu)
    x) Exit ?) Help

Enter your choice [q]: a

Member List: mcgcpd1

Enter a new member: mcgcpc1

Member List: mcgcpc1,mcgcpd1

Is this correct (y/n) [y]:
Store error - Unable to store DB
ASE save of database failed - Member change failed
.Add member failed.
Check syslog's daemon log to determine the error.

                Managing the ASE

    a) Add a member
    d) Delete a member
    n) Modify the network configuration
    m) Display the status of the members
    C) Display the configuration of the ASE database
    l) Set the logging level
    e) Edit the error alert script
    t) Test the error alert script
     ) Enable ASE V1.6 functionality

    q) Quit (back to the Main Menu)
    x) Exit ?) Help
what should I do now???
help me please


Ing. José Luis Vásquez M.
Ingeniero de Soporte

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