Hi all,
I provide a first summary because I am unable to follow all hints
Original question was:
>which versions of Netscape are exp[ected to run under V4.0d.
>Netscape 4.04 works, 4.7 exits often with core dumps or 4.61
>exits silently. Is this ok?
thanks to all who responded:
Gernot Salzer <salzer_at_logic.at> This is normal, errors!
Dirlei Marion <dirlei_at_cpqd.com.br> 4.6 is ok
Stephen Dowdy <dowdy_at_cs.colorado.edu> 4.6,4.7 ok
Michele Tomkin <michele_at_uclink4.berkeley.edu> Problem with PDF on 4.5
Don Newcomer <newcomer_at_dickinson.edu> 4.51 ok
Alethia Dunn adunn_at_nswc.navy.mil no problem after CLASSPATH ok
Partin, Kevin S" <Kevin.Partin_at_SW.Boeing.com> 4.61 is ok
Jie Gao <J.Gao_at_isu.usyd.edu.au> problem with root
Steve Streeter USG <streeter_at_zk3.dec.com> (long answer)
Rafael Najmanovich <ferafael_at_wicc.weizmann.ac.il> 4.7 is ok
Nikola Milutinovic <Nikola.Milutinovic_at_ev.co.yu> 4.7 is ok
Rolf Steinberg <steinb_at_physik.rwth-aachen.de> missing
fonts problem
Pierre Bergdolt <Pierre.Bergdolt_at_alcatel.fr> 4.51,4.7 ok
The result is from the majority, that the newest versions run under
V4.0d. It must be somewhat a configuration problem. I will look at
this according to the detailed answer of Steeve as soon as I get
the time.
Another what I could quickly check: Jie gave a hint to do a cd /
when running as root. Indeed I did test the different versions as
root and not in /. I changed this but it didn't help. BUT then I
tried netscape (4.61, 4.7) as a normal user and it worked.
It is good to know that Netscape itself seems to bee ok. That helps
me to concentrate on the configuration issue.
Individual answers:
From: Mike Iglesias <iglesias_at_draco.acs.uci.edu>
That sounds pretty "normal" to me. We use 4.08, which seems to be
pretty stable.
From: Gernot Salzer <salzer_at_logic.at>
>Ja. :-)
>Ich verwende 4.05, mit den neueren Versionen bin ich bisher immer gescheitert.
>(Ich verwende DU4.0d, patch 3)
From: Dirlei Marion <dirlei_at_cpqd.com.br>
> I have used netscape version 4.6 wich DU 4.0d, 4.0f and 5.0
> it's ok.
From: Stephen Dowdy <dowdy_at_cs.colorado.edu>
>hmmm. ns 4.7 and 4.6{,1} run just fine for me here under 4.0D. ("just
>fine" implies it doesn't crash anymore than other versions, which crash
>often, since netscape is just a rather unstable program :-( ).
>I forget where, but they started building it with C++ 6.x a while back,
>and so you need the CXX 6.x libraries, but i believe those are standard
>on a 4.0D system.
>Make sure you aren't setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to a place that has an
>outdated libcxx.so in it. The libcxx.so i have that works is:
> % sum /usr/shlib/libcxx.so
> 23503 280 /usr/shlib/libcxx.so
From: Michele Tomkin <michele_at_uclink4.berkeley.edu>
>I have a similar problem, but I have isolated it a bit more. Any
>time I try to open a document in pdf form, I get a core dump.
>This is true with both Netscape 4.5 and Netscape 4.05 under both
>DU 4.0d and DU 4.0e. I've also tried both version 3 and version 4
>of acroread. If you learn something helpful about this problem,
>please post a Summary.
From: Don Newcomer <newcomer_at_dickinson.edu>
>I use 4.51 all the time.
From: Alethia Dunn adunn_at_nswc.navy.mil
>I have recently had a problem with netscape core dumping on 4.0F.
>The problem was CLASSPATH was not setup. Netscape could not find java files.
>..cshrc - CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/netscape/java/classes/java40.jar
>..profile - CLASSPATH=.:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/classes111.zip:$CLASSPATH
> export CLASSPATH
>For .profile - be sure to setup ORACLE_HOME=/path/path/path before you are able
>to user $ORACLE_HOME
From: "Partin, Kevin S" <Kevin.Partin_at_SW.Boeing.com>
>I personally use 4.61 and find it to be pretty stable. It crashes no more
>frequently under 4.0D that it does under Windoze.
From: Jie Gao <J.Gao_at_isu.usyd.edu.au>
>If you run as root, cd / before you start N.
From: Steve Streeter USG <streeter_at_zk3.dec.com>
The first thing you should try is to shutdown all running versions
of Netscape Communicator and move your $HOME/.netscape
directory to a backup. Also, move any mail directories, (nsimap, nsmail,
etc.) to a backup.
Then make sure your /usr/doc/netscape/default-netscape-preferences
has the correct syntax for the version of Netscape you are running (4.7):
// Netscape User Preferences
// This is a generated file! Do not edit.
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "file:/usr/doc/netscape/Digital_UNIX.html");
Also, remove the following from /usr/bin/X11/netscape...
# Copy java class libraries if needed
if [ ! -e $INSTDIR/java_301 ]; then
ln -s $NLIBDIR/java_301 $INSTDIR/java_301
# Create plugin directory if needed
if [ ! -e $INSTDIR/plugins ]; then
mkdir $INSTDIR/plugins
chmod 700 $INSTDIR/plugins
# Copy default plugin if needed
if [ ! -e $INSTDIR/plugins/libnullplugin.so ]; then
ln -s $NLIBDIR/libnullplugin.so $INSTDIR/plugins/libnullplugin.so
exec $REAL_NETSCAPE -name netscape $*
...and replace it with...
# Set MOZILLA_HOME to the Netscape installation directory.
exec $REAL_NETSCAPE -name netscape -xrm '*nsMotifFSBCdeMode: True' -xrm '*menuBar*openRadio.mappedWhenManaged: False' $*
Last, run Communicator 4.7 and let it recreate the $HOME/.netscape
directory tree. You will have to reset your preference settings.
That should clear up the core dump problems with 4.7. Different version
of Communicator can't use the same $HOME/.netscape directory tree
without interfering with each other.
If this doesn't solve the problem, there could be some incompatibility
with the patch kit you have installed.
Steve Streeter
Tru64 UNIX Internet Engineering
From: Rafael Najmanovich <ferafael_at_wicc.weizmann.ac.il>
> I run netscape 4.7 in V4.0d without any problem.
From: Nikola Milutinovic <Nikola.Milutinovic_at_ev.co.yu>
>I'm running 4.7 with once or twice a day Netscape crash. My problems seam to be
>related to IMAP mail client.
From: Rolf Steinberg <steinb_at_physik.rwth-aachen.de>
following is on the tru64-unix-managers archieve:
Bob's suggestion:
Netscape Java is very sensitive to missing fonts, and the supplied list
stupidly Sun-specific. Try copying
to $MOZILLA_HOME/java/classes/font.properties
It solved the trouble at least on our V40D Cluster.
From: Pierre Bergdolt <Pierre.Bergdolt_at_alcatel.fr>
on my Alpha Server 2000 with Digital Unix 4.0d, I can run
Netscape 4.51 [en]99058
Netscape 4.7 [en]-19990915
without any problem.
| Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TU, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt |
| titze_at_ikp.tu-darmstadt.de Tel: +49(6151)16-2916,FAX:16-4321|
Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 12:56:30 NZDT