Is the DE-500-AA supposed to work in a 2100 3.2c??

From: George Gallen <>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 19:03:42 -0400

I put in a DE-500-AA (PCI) ethernet card as tu1.

I can see the MAC address from the >>>, as well once it was added to
the kernel parameters, was displayed on boot.

Once configured, I was not able to put any packets to the card, the link
light would go on, but the activity light NEVER blinked.

For a couple days here, I thought it was a routing issue (although I still
should have some routing issues - I think it's more than that). I changed
the kernel so that tu0 now pointed to the 2nd NIC and tu1 pointed to the
old NIC, rebooted. Both cards were set to twisted pair (when I would set
to twisted pair, the 100mb light went off on my switch, and when it was
set to fast, the 100mb light would go on)

If all went well tu1 should now be configured as tu0 was, I switched the
cable from tu0 to tu1, and was unable to telnet in to that card, no activity
was being displayed (no blinking lights) and I KNOW There was activity
on the line.

So the question here is: Is this a bad card? that somehow will display
it's properties OK, but just won't receive/Transmit data? or is it that
the 2100/3.2c combo doesn't support it? And if I upgrade to 4.0d, will
that solve this problem.

I'd hate to return the card (it was a refurb) and get a replacement only
to find that doesn't work either (and it wasn't the cards).


George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220

SLACK Incorporated - An innovative information, education and management
Received on Fri Oct 06 2000 - 23:04:37 NZDT

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