Summary: Reboot vs Init 0

From: Ed King <>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 10:26:12 -0500

I had many responses, so it took me awhile to digest and summarize. This is
my first summary posting and I hope it does justice to all the great info I
recv'd. I thank everyone who responded; hope I'm not leaving anyone out...

From: John Peter Gormley < <>>
From: Dana Huggard < <>>
From: Andrew Leahy <
From: Ed Bush < <>>
From: Phil Cooper <
From: Zeev Fisher < <>>
From: Arno Hahma < <>>
From: Alan <
From: Joe Ryals < <>>
From: Ron Bramblett <
From: Luchini, Marco <
From: Jim Belonis <
From: Weis, Mervyn < <>>
From: Hoover, Tony < <>>
From: Jim Bodie < <>>
From: Freesmeyer, Mary <
From: Bryan Rank < <>>
From: <>
From: <>
From: Steven M Tom/TAS/LMITCO/INEEL/US < <>>
From: Steven M Tom/TAS/LMITCO/INEEL/US < <>>
From: Udo de Boer <
From: Degerness, Mandell ISTA:EX <
From: Lavelle, Bryan <

My original question was basically: whats the best (eg: cleanest) way to
reboot my 4.0D system remotely: the "reboot" command or the "init 0"

I gleaned that there are three commands that might be used to reboot the
system, however, each has its own "problem"

command: reboot
problem: in versions of Digital Unix prior to 5.0, "reboot" does not run
shutdown scripts, may not sync the disks, therefore it is not a clean way to

command: shutdown -r now
problem: in versions of Digital Unix prior to 5.0, "shutdown" does not run
shutdown scripts, may not sync the disks, therefore it is not a clean way to

command: init 0
problem: DOES run shutdown scripts, but does not fully restart the system
(leaves you at the >> boot prompt). not good if you are trying to reboot

So how do you do a clean reboot remotely on 4.x systems? Basically two

Method #1) customize the shutdown scripts
       a) create a "reboot-flag" file. if the rc.0 script finds this file,
it knows to reboot the system
       b) create/modify rc.6 from rc.0. Mr Webster says it best...

From: Tom Webster <

>The answer isn't as simple as it should be. I ended up modifying the
>/sbin/rc0 script and linking it to /sbin/rc6. The modified script
>checks to see how it was called. Calling it by rc0 will still halt
>the system after running the change level scripts. Calling it by
>rc6 will run the change level scripts and reboot.
>You will also need to update your /etc/inittab file to add the
>following line:
>s6:6:wait:/sbin/rc6 reboot < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1

Method #2) use a remote console that gives access to the >> prompt (reverse
telnet). Dr. Blinn says it best...

From: Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646 <
>If you really want to be able to control the system remotely, then get a
>telnet based terminal server that lets you telnet in through the network
>and connect out through a serial line ("reverse telnet", if you will) and
>connect it to the serial console port on your Alpha system, then telnet to
>the server and through to the serial port, and with the system shut down,
>issue the console command "set console serial". Then "init" the system
>and reboot. When the system comes up, you'll be connected to a serial
>operator console, can log in as root and manage the system. When you go
>to shut it down, even with "init 0", you'll be at single user mode and you
>can still manage the system.

From: Chuck Taylor <>>
mentions two products that could be used for remote console: CA
and KEA

Some other nifty (but untested) ideas that might work....

From: Leonid Kolytchev <
>You may set "auto_action" variable to "boot" at a console prompt. That
>should help to reboot the box in a case of a power failure or you would
>press reset button (for example). I am not sure how it would behave with
>"init 0".

From: Nikola Milutinovic <
>The best thing I can think of is:
># nohup (shutdown now ; wait 60 ; reboot)
>but I've never tested this.

Thanks again to all who responded!
Received on Thu Mar 02 2000 - 15:25:54 NZDT

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