SUMMARY: Some questions about joind.

From: <maurice.steyvers_at_ICA.UNIMAAS.NL>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:20:01 +0200

Below is the answer from Sean O'Connel which gives a good summary of the
several answers i received on my question:
I found that joind was unfathomable and I was never able to
get it to do more than be a bootp server.  I have been using
the ISC dhcp server (version 2.0) to be both a bootp and a 
dhcp server under Tru64.  Also, the newer versions of the
ISC server (3.0beta series) have a lot of spiffy new features
including dynamic dns support which will be of interest to
large installations (which I am not) and pooling and a few
other features.  It might be worth either subscribing to or
at least looking throught the dhcp server list/archives for
the isc server.  The isc server does everything that you want
and has a pretty friendly dhcpd.conf file format unlike the
silly gui thing and lots of hash files that never seem to do
anything under joind (at least that was my experince).
I've already setup a test environment with ISC DHCP version 2.0 and the
results look very promising. It can do all the things i asked for.
Thanks for the answers i received.
The original question was:
> For our university we're using a patched version of bootp-daemon
> (bootp-DD2.4.3) that can do some semi-dynamic DHCP assignment 
> (or better
> automatic assigment since it's not dynamic at all). 
> We're planning to migrate to a "real" DHCP server (if 
> possible on a UNIX
> server) because we need real dynamic assigment for the 
> growing number of
> notebooks. So what we need is a solution where about 80% of 
> our ip-adresses
> is assigned static (by mac address) and the other 20% is 
> assigned dynamic.
> The dynamic assigment must only be done to registered 
> mac-addresses (for
> security reasons).
> I'm thinking of using joind since it's included with True64 Unix. The
> questions i have are:
> 1: what version of joind are included with the several 
> versions of unix ?
> We're using Tru64 unix version 4.0d, e and f (no 5.0 yet). 
> 2: can joind be used to do the mix of static and dynamic assignment
> (especially with the, for us, important restriction that only 
> registered
> mac-addresses are allowed to use dynamic assignment !!).
> 3: are there any technical/functional reasons to go for the free dhcp
> version from ISC ( ?
> 4: in general i'm interested in experiences from anyone using 
> joind (is it
> stable ?)
> Thanks,
> Maurice
Received on Tue Apr 18 2000 - 07:30:27 NZST

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