SUMMAY: Syntax error in system header in 4.0F

From: Jim Fitzmaurice <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:44:50 -0500

Thanks to:
Richard Loken
Dr. Tom Blinn

The consenus from the two replies was to add the missing semi-colon to the
header file, and don't worry about it. It's fixed in 5.1.

Richard's response:

If my memory serves me correctly, if.h is missing a semicolon half way down.

I put in a semicolon and went on, it is easy to spot even by a novice C

  Richard Loken VE6BSV, Systems Programmer - VMS : "...underneath those
  Athabasca University : tuques we wear, our heads
  Athabasca, Alberta Canada : are naked!"
  ** ** : - Arthur Black

Dr. Tom's response:

I have V4.0G installed on my system, and it's got the same defect in
the header file; so I'm sure there is no patch.

I would even bet that we have applications that use that header file
that compile fine with our standard compiler (in other words, whether
you find that to be a syntax error depends on the C compiler that you
are using, and the one we use to build our product doesn't complain).

You have two choices: File a formal problem report and wait to see if
you ever get a patch (I would not count on it happening quickly, since
the "defect" isn't exposed in anything we do here, which means that you
will have to convince some support engineer there really is a bug in
the header file), or (preferred solution) edit the file locally so that
the semicolon is present, and make sure it works OK with whatever you
are using as a C compiler.

I'll see if I can get our development team to fix the defect, but it's
a defect in V4.0x (it does seem to be fixed in V5.1, perhaps somewhere
along the way we changed the compiler and it started complaining about
the missing semi-colon).


 Dr. Thomas P. Blinn + UNIX Software Group + Compaq Computer Corporation
  110 Spit Brook Road, MS ZKO3-2/W17 Nashua, New Hampshire 03062-2698
   Technology Partnership Engineering Phone: (603) 884-0646
    Internet: Compaq's Easynet: alpha::tpb
     ACM Member: PC_at_Home:

Original query:

 One of the developers on our recently install 4.0F 4100 system
 has run into
 a syntax error in the following header file:


 Is there a patch available to fix this error?

 Jim Fitzmaurice

 UNIX is very user friendly, It's just very particular about who it makes
 friends with.
Received on Wed Jul 05 2000 - 15:38:15 NZST

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