SUMMARY on : using Tapes / disks on remote machines or vice ver

From: Sieger <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 11:57:28 +0100

Received 7 mails on this topic, thanks to

"Freesmeyer, Mary" <>
"Werner Rost" <>
"Thomas, Phil" <>
"Jim Belonis" <>
"Randy Rodgers" <>
"Todd M. Serulneck" <>

Thanks to all those who have responded. The responses arrived within 4hours.
Great list !!!!

Original posting was :

Hello managers,

i do have 2 machines running 4.0f pk3.
The problem is as follows :

have on one machine TZ89 with vdumps on the tapes.
Need the contents of those tapes on disks of the other machine.

Are there any recommendations how to do this without moving the
to second machine ?

Solution :

there are basically two kinds of recommendations :

1. Mount target disks at the machine with the tape drives.
   Then do a vrestore to the disk.

2. Basically work on remote commands.
   Proposal included from the mail of Phil Thomas :

Check requirements of rsh(1) and set it up, then check the usage options of
vdump(8), and then you can do something like this:

# hostname
# cd /filesystem-to-recover
# rsh tapemachine mt rewind
# rsh tapemachine dd if=/dev/rmt0h ibs=32k | vdump -x -f -

I personally will go and setup the second solution. Never know if i need
sometimes in the future a third machine.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

G. Roland Sieger (CIT 1)

Telefon (49) 89-5110-413
FAX (49) 89-5110-70413

Adresse Süd-Chemie AG
                Lenbachplatz 6
                80333 München
Received on Fri Jan 07 2000 - 10:58:40 NZDT

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