SUMMARY: WU-FTPD 2.6.0: Can't list directories with ls command

From: Manuel Monteiro <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 11:06:31 +0000

Hi managers,

Thanks goes to

Ann Cantelow <>
Bob Vickers <>

and to

Fred Thompson <>

who pointed to the real problem. Here is his response:

>That's the new "rfc compliant" mode that wu-ftpd uses, directories aren't
>if you use ls, but show up under dir (or ls -l). I haven't found a way to
>turn it back to the old method yet.

This problem is also listed in the wu-ftpd FAQ (sorry for this one!).

-------FROM THE FAQ--------
25. Directory listings are wrong and miss directories.

Starting wu-ftpd 2.6.0, the interpretation of NLST versus LIST ftp commands
has been changed to what is the right interpretation. NLST lists retrievable
files for the ftp mget command, LIST lists all files for a human reader.

Suggested fix: fix the client software.

Best regards,


---------ORIGINAL MESSAGE-----------
Dear all,

I've compiled and installed wu-ftpd 2.6.0 in an Alphaserver 1000 with TU

When i loggin as a normal user or as an anonymous user i can't see the
directories with the ls command (but can see all the files). Can see
everything with ls -l.

Any ideas?



Manuel Monteiro
Received on Fri Jan 07 2000 - 11:04:14 NZDT

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