I am having problems with snmp on a recently upgraded 4.0f 1000A system.
The server was originally running 4.0d pk3. It was upgraded to 4.0f pk2
last week and since then I've been unable to start snmpd. The errors I
get are shown below. I also notice that when running "/sbin/init.d/snmpd
start" it seems to start a process that is trying to do an snmp_request
to the local server using the community "public". This fails because the
daemon does not start, but would fail because the community is invalid.
Has anyone else had problems with SNMP on 4.0f? I am running it elsewhere
with few problems, but this is the first 1000A that has been upgraded. I'm
using SNMP for MRTG so I'd like to get this working. TIA.
Apr 10 15:42:10 eos17 snmpd[2889]: unable to create esnmp shared mem, 'Invalid argument', errno = 22
Apr 10 15:42:10 eos17 snmpd[2889]: Can't set up shared memory.
Apr 10 15:42:10 eos17 [2894]: **ERROR svrsys_fru_parse.c line 299: FRU Table TLV tag of 67 is not ISOLATIN1
Apr 10 15:42:10 eos17 [2896]: Initializing the thresold structure
Apr 10 15:42:10 eos17 os_mibs[2892]: os_mibs WARNING os_mibs.c line 437: Restaring protocol: Cannot Send OPEN to Master Agent.
Apr 10 15:42:45 eos17 svrMgt_mib[2896]: svrMgt_mib **ERROR svrMgt_mib.c line 336: Could not start. Last error was:
Apr 10 15:43:20 eos17 svrMgt_mib[2896]: svrMgt_mib **ERROR svrMgt_mib.c line 336: Could not start. Last error was:
# sudo /sbin/init.d/snmpd start
Using snmp service entry port 161.
Extensible SNMP master agent started
Base O/S sub-agent started
Server System sub-agent started
Server Management sub-agent started
Compaq Management sub-agent started
# ps -efa |grep snmp
root 3009 3011 0.0 15:44:58 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/snmp_request eos17.cit.nih.gov public get
root 3011 2978 0.0 15:44:58 ?? 0:00.01 sh -c /usr/sbin/snmp_request eos17.cit.nih.gov public get > /tmp/file_host
root 3018 2035 0.0 15:44:58 ttyp3 0:00.01 grep snmp
Jonathan Burelbach jburelba_at_mail.nih.gov
Unix Systems Adminstrator jburelba_at_topaz.cit.nih.gov
NIH/CIT/DCSS/SOSB;12 South Dr.;Bldg 12B/2N207;Bethesda (301) 496-7372
Received on Mon Apr 10 2000 - 20:40:56 NZST