TZ877 to TL891 Tape Upgrade

From: Kemp, Tom <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 13:37:01 -0500

TruGurus -

We are upgrading a TZ877 tape drive to a TL891. When you issue the "mt
rewoffl" command, the TZ877 drive unloads the current tape and reloads the
next tape in the carousel. I have been trying to get a TL891 to perform the
same trick and can't get it to work correctly. I have to issue mcutil
commands to the TL891 to load / unload. The TL891 upgrade works for all
intents and purposes, but I keep going in circles in working the load /
unload the problem. Is this just the way the drive works and there is no
work around with out a script? Any ideas? Hardware settings?


Thomas A. Kemp
Received on Tue Nov 14 2000 - 18:41:05 NZDT

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