Hello managers,
I have recently created my own Xmodmap table in order to be able (in one
of my windows where I load it using xmodmap command and with the appropriate
switch key) to work in another language (Russian actually) as well as the
default one. So, for example in pine, I can use both alphabets, and
everything is working fine - to the exclusion of three (Russian) letters in
upper case (in lower case they are printed OK) which are not printed at
all, and these bytes even do not go to the file.
I have checked up my table umpteen times, moreover, I scratched a tiny
little C-program which wrote hex values corresponding to those keysyms to
a file, and this file is printed as it should.
Further, I assigned these keysyms to other keycodes, and again, these
letters were printed correctly.
These letters correspond to the keys with 'a', 's', and 'q' letters in
Latin, if it is the matter.
I suspect there is some mistake in my modifier list. Here it is:
clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5
add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add Control = Control_L Control_R
add Mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R
add Mod2 = Mode_switch
add Mod4 = Num_Lock
add Mod5 = Scroll_Lock
keycode 57 = Mode_switch
So, I use CapsLock as Rus/Lat switch key.
I'll be happy if someone can shed lights upon this. The keyboard is PCXAL,
system version 4.0D on DEC 2000 model 300.
* *
* Irene A. Shilikhina e-mail: irene_at_alpha.iae.nsk.su *
* System administrator, *
* Institute of Automation & Electrometry, *
* Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, *
* Novosibirsk, Russia *
http://www.iae.nsk.su/~irene *
* *
* The road to hell is paved with good intentions. *
* *
Received on Thu Mar 16 2000 - 11:07:26 NZDT