IO Performance of Ultra2

From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 16:43:01 +1100

Tru64 Managers,

  I have some new ES40s with 3 EV6.7 667Mhz and 4Gig ram each. They are
running 4.0F with ECO#4 and 4.0G with ECO#1. My problem is the shear
performance of the disks in the sense that I was expecting way more
throughput from Ultra2. The SCSI controllers are KZPCA-AA, the cables are
BN38C-05, storage shelf is a 4254 enclosure and the disks are 18.2Gig Ultra3
Universal drives with the model number BD0186349B.

Performance tests were done using dd and io was monitored using iostat and

Read Test: dd if=/dev/rz21c of=/dev/null
Write Test: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rz2c obs=102400 (I fiddled the obs
until I got the best result possible)

Setup: KZPCA-AA - BN38C-05 - 4254 - BD0186349B

Read Results: 12.9MB/s
Write Results: 4.2MB/s

In the same system we also have a KZPCM-DA destined to be a tape drive
controller. In addition, I have a BA356-RD and a couple of spare
DS-RZ1ED-VW 18.2 Gig drives. I included these parts in the following ways.

Setup: KZPCM-DA - BN37A-05 - BA356-RD - DS-RZ1ED-VW

Read Results: 17.6MB/s
Write Results: 3.8MB/s

Setup: KZPCM-DA - BN37A-05 - 4254 - BD0186349B

Read Results: 11.6MB/s
Write Results: 4.2MB/s

To my conclusion, I get similar performance over the 3 setups in the write
tests and quite different results in the read tests. Does this mean that
the Universal disks are running in Ultra mode and not Ultra2 mode? We were
told that the Ultra3 Universal disks would run as Ultra2 so that when we
upgraded the SCSI controllers and shelves to Ultra3 when they become
available to Alpha hardware, we'd be right.

Perhaps OS is an issue? Do I have to tweak a kernel parameter? Do I need
to run version 5 of Tru64 instead of 4.0F?

Received on Tue Nov 14 2000 - 05:49:42 NZDT

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