Subj : graphics terminal emulator ?
Hello managers:
Thanks to all for your useful replies.
It seems to be that there is some degree of predilection for
XReflection from WRQ.
As I 'm accostumed to Reflection environment ( I use Reflection
4 for Windows version 4.21 for a long time but as far as I know
only text mode capabilities) I 'm downloading free beta version of
Reflection Suite for X for evaluating purposes and if everything
is ok it should be the decision.
Another choices, besides Reflection seems to be :
eXcursion by Digital
Exceed from Hummingbird
Thanks for their contributions to :
MAry Freesmeyer
DAniel Monjar
Chuck TAylor
Blake Williford
RAndy Rodgers
Lucio Chiapetti
Jim Jennis
Joe Fletcher
John Speakman
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Received on Mon Jan 10 2000 - 20:43:39 NZDT