I wrote:
> Is anyone else seeing sendmail processes that maintain a persistant read
> lock on their aliases.db file? It would look like this in lsof:
> sendmail 9229 root 7rR VREG 2137,826253 10592256
> 443 /var/adm/sendmail/aliases.db
> Since this sendmail process has the aliases.db file locked, that file
> can't be rebuilt with newaliases.
> I've seen this happen on a variety of 4.0f and 4.0d systems over the years
> but I'm just now getting around to trying to figure out why it happens.
> The workaround: Killing the sendmail process which holds the lock.
The answer didn't come from this list but from the folks at Sendmail, Inc.
Who said:
The best solution to this is to upgrade to sendmail-8.10.0 (currently
available at the Beta12 level, but very stable).
and when questioned further also said:
I should have been clearer. Yes, it is known that there are
circumstances where sendmail-8.9.3 retains locks for too long.
So, the problem we've been seeing is a known issue in sendmail 8.9.3.
Take care.
Received on Tue Mar 07 2000 - 19:56:20 NZDT