Summary : Trouble with Alpha Station 255/233

From: <>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000 16:19:20 +0100

        Trouble with Alpha Station 255/233

        Thanks to all who responded and
        I am Sorry for late summary but the problem is still intriguing.
        Somebody suggest to me to check the presence of people
        walking around and shutdown the AlphaStation, but several
        crashes succeeded in the locked room, other suggest
        to check internal SCSI cable and the Power Supply.

        First of all Compaq substitute The internal disk due
        SCSI behaviour, then substitute the internal SCSI flat cable
        without results, I suggest to replace the power supply
        they agree but I wait 2 weeks for the power supply, since last
        friday the workstation is ok, let me cross the fingers !!!!

        Marco Lolli

        Bologna Astronomical Observatory
Received on Mon Feb 07 2000 - 15:22:40 NZDT

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