Thanks to everyone for their quick and helpful responses. :-) (Toth, Krisztian) writes:
Yes, it's true. Why? Because someone still want to use the 4.0x stream and
also want to use new hardwares. (Dolder, Matthias) writes:
yep, this is true. However, the only real reason for 4.0g is to support the
upcoming GS80 and GS160 servers with a v4 stream release for those customers
that for application reasons cannot change to v5 yet. (Rochelle Lauer, Yale Univ Physics) writes:
This is true. The reason (I've been told ) is that TRU64 5.0 is so
different (and it is !) and TruCluter is completely different (and it is !)
that people need a lot of time to migrate.
However, those very same people want to use new hardware (fibre channel in
particular and also perhaps wildfire) and the 4.0G releases will allow them
to use the new hardware with "old" production server and ASE. (John P Speno) writes:
Yes. FYI, 5.0 has been out for a while now, several months at least.
> Why?
Probably lots of reasons which I'm sure other folks will tell you about. (Arnold Sutter) writes:
V4.0G will support the Wildfire system that is in development. In the V5
stream, V5.0A will support the Wildfire.
And finally, the good doctor... (Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646) writes:
Yes, it is true. There is a V4.0G release in development, and it will be
released after V5.0 was released (since that is already in the past).
As to "Why", it's because our past experience has been that it takes some
time (sometimes a LONG time) for all the independent software vendors and
also for end user customers to be ready to use a major new version of the
product. Most ISVs want to actually test their products on a new version of
any vendor's OS before they claim support, and sometimes they want or need to
release a new version (either to repair problems exposed by the new OS
release, or to take advantage of new features provided in the new OS release,
some of which may have been provided explicitly for the ISVs).
Further, with the major changes in system management interfaces, it's not
likely to be trivial for most shops running serious production to switch to
V5.0 really quickly (retraining, updating documentation and procedures, and
the like all take time, and most people were focused on averting any problems
from Y2K issues).
So, we are doing a "final" release of the V4.0x stream. It will support new
hardware systems that could not be supported by V4.0F (because they have
designs that were not supported in the older base code) as well as other
things like new options, but there will be no major functional stuff in the
user or system management interfaces. It will incorporate all of the "good"
patches that have been released for older V4.0x versions. And it will be
supported "in the field" after V4.0E and V4.0F have been dropped from
standard support.
Thanks again everyone.
Peter Sadloski
Unix System Administration
Received on Mon Jan 10 2000 - 16:04:06 NZDT