Hello Tru-64 managers:
My etiquette/formatting stands corrected by Chad Price...(with apologies to
the group for my ignorance on this procedure)
Thanks to all the following respondents who provided me with several
excellent suggestions (to help answer my question summarized below):
Mary Freesmeyer
Paul Henderson
T.S. Horsnell
Lawrence Butts (via another List)
Original Question:
Is there any way to force Tru64 (version 4.0F and 5.0) to accept whatever
you ask it to set for passwords without demanding that you include numbers,
mixed case and other characters to enhance security?
Solutions Suggested:
1. Write my own /bin/passwd using crypt
2. Use shorter passwords with mixed case/numbers
3. Install centralized DCE Authentication or Kerberos Server
4. Tru64 password utility will "give up" after 4 tries and allow the users
to enter whatever they wish for passwords.
>X-Sender: cprice_at_molbio.unmc.edu
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.2.2
>Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:28:46 -0600
>To: Jim Jennis <jjennis_at_discovery.fuentez.com>
>From: Chad Price <cprice_at_molbio.unmc.edu>
>Subject: Re: forcing "normal passwords"
>Etiquette for the group.
> (1) repeat your original question.
> (2) use 'SUMMARY' in the subject line.
> (3) name the contributers (all).
>At 09:12 AM 1/21/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hi Tru64 managers!
>>Thanks to all who responded (esp T.S. Horsnell)..
>>Looks like rolling my own version of passwd or installing DCE or Kerberos
>>security services site wide are all potential options for me.
>>FSC - Building Better Information Technology Solutions-
>> from the Production Floor to the Customer's Door.
>>Jim Jennis, Technical Director for Commercial Systems
>>Fuentez Systems Concepts, Inc.
>>1 Discovery Place, Suite 2
>>Martinsburg, WV. 25401
>>Phone: +001 (304) 263-0163 ext. 235
>>Fax: +001 (304) 263-0702
>>Email: jjennis_at_discovery.fuentez.com
>> jhjennis_at_shentel.net
>>WEB: http://www.discovery.fuentez.com/
>Chad Price
>Systems Manager, Genetic Sequence Analysis Facility
>University of Nebraska Medical Center
>986495 Nebraska Medical Center
>Omaha, NE 68506-6495
>(402) 559-9527
>(402) 559-4077 (FAX)
FSC - Building Better Information Technology Solutions-
from the Production Floor to the Customer's Door.
Jim Jennis, Technical Director for Commercial Systems
Fuentez Systems Concepts, Inc.
1 Discovery Place, Suite 2
Martinsburg, WV. 25401
Phone: +001 (304) 263-0163 ext. 235
Fax: +001 (304) 263-0702
Email: jjennis_at_discovery.fuentez.com
Received on Fri Jan 21 2000 - 14:49:21 NZDT