Dual IP-adresses on a NFS shar in a cluster service?

From: Noring, Jan <jan.noring_at_se.tekla.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:57:19 +0200

Dear managers,
I have a dual DS20 cluster running Tru64 v.4.0F and ASE 1.6 with two network
adapters in each server. One is used for the office network and the other
for intercluster communication. The network card for the cluster
communication uses addresses like and so we don't
use up to many real IP-addresses. In that address space I have a NFS cluster
service that both servers share. Now I would like to share this NFS service
with an other alpha server on another network. I understand that if I change
the service name IP-address to a real one the service will be immediately
available, but I would still like to have the cluster disc access to be on
the 192.168.0.xxx network. To have as little traffic on official network as
Can I only add another IP-address to the NFS service configuration ? Where ?
What I can see, it can't be done directly from asemgr, but possible in a
user defined startup script or by modifying the existing one for the NFS

 Jan Noring

Jan Noring phn. +46 (0) 21-109603 Tekla Software AB
Tekla Software AB fax. +46 (0) 21-109609
Sigurdsgatan 21
eMail: jan.noring_at_se.tekla.com gsm. +46 (0) 709-779688 721 30
Received on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 11:14:33 NZST

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