I have apparently bunged up something somehow. I'm running ver 4.0F
on a pws500au.
root can login and do essentially everything.
logging in under my user account i can't get windows to
function although they are displayed (DT). the following
messages appear:
warning: window unable to set non-blocking on pty
couldn't open console. warning: Name: dtTerm class: DtTerm unable to get pty
I can login as root and then rlogin under my user name but I don't get access
to several things:
sending mail: queuename: mail cannot create "<loong name>" in "/var/spool/mqueue"
(euid=102) permission denied.
File manager unable to access this trash information file: /usr/users/myname/.dt/Trash/.trashinfo
now, i did change my uid and this may have someting to do with the problem, although
i created a test account using the user-
account manager and it fails in the same ways.
also logging in in a dx-session give the can't open pty message.
Steve Ernst
Received on Thu Jul 20 2000 - 19:01:59 NZST