[SUMMARY - I]: NSR V5.5.1 Automatic mount problem

From: Wander <wander_at_cptec.inpe.br>
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 10:50:07 -0200


Thanks for all the replies that helped me to solve some problems that I
create trying to solve the original problem. The point now is that I got
to recover the original "Mount window" after "nsrjb -I" as suggested and
now I can see all the tape labels within the slots. But the original
problem still remains, I mean, the jukebox doesn't mount tapes
automatically. Trying the command manually ("nsrjb -l -j Cyborg -M
metsat.0042") I see the message "nsrjb: Jukebox error, Fri 09:07:36 All
of the devices are in use by nsrmmd". This is the original problem that
I couldn't see on the log files. This message aren't on the logs. The
man page about nsrjb says:

(036) All of the devices are in use by nsrmmd
       The jukebox could not acquire a drive to use for a save or

I'm trying to discover now what does it mean.

I appreciate all the suggestions so far.

Special thanks to:

Stan Horwitz
Thomas Ozanich
Freesmeyer, Mary
Knut Hellebo
Blake Roberts
Udo de Boer
Chan Cao
Partin, Kevin S
Cherie, Willowghby
Tom Webster


    Wanderley O. Mendes
    Software Specialist         wander_at_cptec.inpe.br
    Phone: +55-12-560-8432      Fax: +55-12-560-8435
    INPE/CPTEC - Cachoeira Paulista - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Received on Fri Feb 04 2000 - 13:46:58 NZDT

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