Some of our users are trying to run X applications over a modem.
No problem with small applications like xterm but with larger
applications they're getting timeouts.
It looks like I could set a higher timeout by adding an option
`-to n' to the server startup line in /usr/dt/config/Xservers.con
(n is the number of seconds).
Firstly am I on the right track with that and secondly
does anyone know what the default timeout value is?
_/ Ian Mortimer _/
_/ ,-_|\ Department of Physics _/
_/ Tel: +61 7 3365 3436 / *\ University of Queensland _/
_/ Fax: +61 7 3365 1242 \_,-._/ St. Lucia, Brisbane _/
_/ v Queensland, Australia 4072 _/
Disclaimer: Speaking only for myself.
Received on Thu Jul 20 2000 - 03:16:18 NZST