Thanks to the following for their responses:
Mitch Kulberg <>
My question was:
We are using the "Replacing ECBs using the on-line method" procedure
to replace the batteries on an HSZ50 in a dual-redundant
configuration. We have replaced the ECB for the 1st controller & are
waiting for the LED to stay on continuously to indicate that the ECB
is fully charged before restarting the controller. The documentation
says to wait until the new ECB is fully charged before restarting the
controller. We have been waiting for nearly an hour & 1/2, & the LED
is still flashing.
Can anyone tell me approximately how long this will take?
I don't know how long it will take, but 1.5 hours is not unreasonable
by any means. I have battery power tools that can take 3-5 hours,
and new batteries can take even longer.
I would suggest relaxing and waiting it out. Of course you might get
a more 'official' answer from someone else.
First, how old is the replacement battery? I'm reliably
told by some of the StorageWorks engineers that new
batteries should be shipped fully charged. If the
replacement is new, the long charge time is suspicious.
The controller itself gives a battery 10 hours to
recharge completely and if it doesn't declares the
battery dead.
The replacement should have a date on it somewhere that
will offer a clue how old it is.
The controller was dated 07-DEC-99
I suspect the risk of letting a controller restart before
the battery recharges is that if the battery has enough
charge to allow write-back caching and there's a power
failure, the charge may not be long to ride out a long
power failure. If the battery is not charged enough to
allow write-back caching then the various low or dead
battery conditions come into play. I think these are
documented in the service guide.
I talked with my engineering sources some more and the
feeling is that depending on how long it has been chargeing
at this point it:
a. Simply may not have been charged or fully charged
before shipped.
b. Under went a deep discharge and will need a significant
part of the 10 hour timer to recharge. However, if had
that much discharged, that may shorten the life.
c. The battery is bad
The LED on the battery quit flashing after approximately 6 1/2 hours
or so (finally).
We then continued with the process to restart the controller.
[ Randy Rodgers
[ Senior Systems Programmer
[ Allen County/City of Fort Wayne
[ Information Systems
[ (219)427-5727
Received on Thu Jun 22 2000 - 21:02:51 NZST