We have an ES40 with multipath to a dual HSZ80 controller. We seem to get
these messages once every month or two. It doesn't look critical at all and
I've usually disregarded them - just wanted to make sure though. Any
======================= Binary Error Log event =======================
EVM event name: sys.unix.binlog.hw.scsi
Binary error log events are posted through the binlogd daemon, and
stored in the binary error log file, /var/adm/binary.errlog. This
event is used to report all SCSI device errors, including disk,
tape, HSZ raid events, and adapter errors.
Formatted Message:
SCSI event
Event Data Items:
Event Name : sys.unix.binlog.hw.scsi
Priority : 700
PID : 368
PPID : 1
Event Id : 528213
Timestamp : 19-Apr-2000 01:02:14
Host Name : hawkeye
User Name : root
Format : SCSI event
Reference : cat:evmexp.cat:300
Variable Items:
subid_class = 199
subid_num = 2
subid_unit_num = 137
subid_type = 34
binlog_event = [OPAQUE VALUE: 1224 bytes]
============================ Translation =============================
Sequence number of error: -1977415548
Time of error entry: 19-Apr-2000 02:02:14
Host name: hawkeye
Controller type: DISK
SCSI device class: DEC SIM
Bus Number: 2
Target number: 1
Lun Number: 1
Name of routine that logged the event: ss_perform_timeout
Event information: timeout on disconnected request
############### Entry End ###############
Event information: Active CCB at time of error
############### Entry End ###############
Received on Wed Apr 19 2000 - 16:27:43 NZST