I'm trying to setup a cron job to send mail out after the job is completed.
But I want the mail to come with a different reply to address. I have tried
the following mailx commands:
mailx -r cookekj -s "Test job finished" users
The above job sends the mail message with the correct reply to address but
no subject.
mailx -s "Test job finished" users
This command sends the mail message with the correct subject but not the
correct reply to.
mailx -r cookekj users
Sends the mail message with the correct reply to address but no subject.
Is it possible to use both the -r and -s options on the same mailx command
I am running DUX 4.0f.
Thanks in advance
Ken Cooke
Bechtel Nevada
Las Vegas NV 89193
Received on Fri Dec 08 2000 - 17:10:30 NZDT