Mea culpa. We have met the enemy and it is us. Duh. <Red Face Alert>
As it turns out, the files I am looking for aren't moved to the directory I
am looking in until 7:00 AM! So, find is correct, it locates no files if
run before 7:00 AM.
Well, even though "sorry don't walk the dog," I apologize. If I'd listened
to the responses, I'd have thought of the answer sooner.
Bruce J. Senn Phone: (518) 388-6664
Senior System Manager FAX: (518) 388-6458
Union College Email:
Schenectady, NY 12308 WWW:
>>At 09:09 AM 04/27/2000 -0400, Bruce Senn posted the original question:
>>>OK, folks, here's an interesting one.
>>>At 5:15 AM I have cron run a script. Find does not report the files it
>>>should. The first command gives the expected results. The second command
>>>reports nothing.
>>>ls -l 00.04.2*
>>>/sbin/find . -mtime -1 -type f -print | xargs ls -l
>>>At 7:15 AM I have cron run the same script. Both commands give the
>>>expected results, reporting the 50 or 60 files which have been created in
>>>the last day.
>>>What's happening?
>>>Is it possible that defragcron is causing find to fail? What else could it
>>>be? The system is reasonably quiet. Backups don't happen until 5:25 AM
>>>and are finished by 6:00 AM for partials and 7:00 AM for fulls. This is DU
>>>4.0D. How can ls report files and find not report the same files?
Received on Thu May 04 2000 - 13:41:09 NZST