SUMMARY: Part Numbers for Software Support Contract.

From: <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 09:13:21 -0400

Thank you to everyone who has mailed me with responses, especially to all
those from Compaq who have helped me. I am now feeling a little bit better
about Compaq as a company ;).

The best general solution for my question came from Gay Keilty from Compaq
I believe I have an answer for you.  The generic bronze contract number
or UPI (unique product number) for Alpha/Tru64 UNIX bronze service is
QT-MT4Ax-xx.  The "xx", if I remember correctly, relates to the number
of anchors or nodes, but the important part is the primary UPI
"QT-MT4Ax".  I don't know which of Compaq's telephone numbers you were
calling, but I would suggest trying this telephone number:
You will need to ask for a contract number/quote for Alpha/Tru64 UNIX -
Bronze level support.  The service contracts are based upon system type
and operating system.  
Thank you also to Carolyn Enns and Hugh Hallas, from Compaq, who found the
exact part number that I needed.
Thanks to all of the following people who replied.  Your comments were very
useful. :
Danielle Georgette
Iwao Makino
Gay Keilty
Carolyn Enns
Pat Lampert
Mitch Kulberg
Richard Frank
Lee Brewer
A. Mahendra Rajah
Hugh Hallas
Chris Los
John James
Alan Davis
Peter Clark
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 10:03 AM
Subject: Part Numbers for Software Support Contract.
Could anyone please help me in finding the part number for the Bronze Level
software support contract for Tru64Unix.  After talking to Compaq's sales
people, I am quite disappointed that they could not find a simple part
number for a support contract.  I even had one lady tell me that "I don't
think that we support Unix, try going to"  I have looked
around their website, but still can't find anything.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Peter Clark
Received on Fri Jun 23 2000 - 13:15:08 NZST

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