On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Bugs Brouillard wrote:
> Hello,
> I searched the archives and search engines and cant find a faq
> on clustering. I just want a summary of what clustering is for,
> pros and cons. Just a general overview.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
Here are the responses i received. Thank all of you!
#From "Edward J. Branley" <elendil_at_yatcom.com>
The idea behind clustering (in terms of Tru64 TruClusters) is to provide
two options to the user. The first is to provide a mechanism for basic
failover between two or more AlphaServers. In its simplest form, you set
up a cluster with two nodes. One node runs your applications. If
something happens to that node's hardware or software, the applications
"fail-over" to the other node.
The other main reason people implement TruClusters is to use multi-instance
or distributed applications. With a TruCluster, you can run applications
like Apache on all nodes in a cluster, taking advantage of all of them for
routing and processing messages. If you use a true distributed application
like Oracle Parallel Server, you get full parallel processing across all
members of the Cluster.
This is obviously a very broad overview of what a TruCluster can do. Feel
free to ask questions. Better still, come take the TruCluster class I'm
teaching in Boston the week of 10/9. :-)
#From John Morley <jmorley_at_post-gazette.com>
I have not been able to read the article yet, but here's a link you can try
http://www.nwc.com/1119/1119f2.html <
#From Wendy Fong <wfong_at_synacom.com>
Sorry, not a summary, but a generic book you can scan:
"In Search of Clusters - The Ongoing Battle In Lowly Parallel Computing"
Gregory F. Pfister
ISBN #0-13-899709-8 - 2nd Edition
Go to www.bestbookbuys.com the price ranges from $33.17 - $50.70
#From Richard C Bond <rbond_at_mbt.washington.edu>
search for cluster
all you need to know about / build / maintain
Bugs Brouillard Unix system administrator
Humboldt State Univ. Information Technology Services
Arcata, Calif.
email bb1_at_humboldt.edu
Received on Mon Oct 02 2000 - 21:15:07 NZDT