I brought this question up about a year ago, took this long to find an
Basically, if you activate the "delete junk mail automatically" in OUTLOOK,
you will find yourself actually missing some important emails, because it
not only deletes the ones you say are junk mail, but also ones that fit
microsofts critea as well.
There is a file on the PC: C:\Program Files\Microsoft
which contain the rules by which junk/adult mail is determined.
This may sound trivial, but if is important to know what they are if you are
trying to send clients confirmation emails and/or such and don't want them
to be thought of even remotely as junk email. (ie. If the body of your email
contains the phrase "over 18", OUTLOOK will flag it as an adult content
email). Just imagine if it in regards to "We had over 18 files lost!"
in the middle of the email - it would be flagged as adult content.
The rules from my file are below (I believe they are the same on all, but
not sure)
The Junk and Adult Content filters work by looking for key words. This file
is a description
of exactly which words the filter looks for and where the filter looks for
Junk E-mail Filter:
First 8 characters of From are digits
Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "?"
Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "free"
Subject contains "$$"
Body contains "savetrees.com"
Body contains "answerme.com"
Body contains "money back "
Body contains "cards accepted"
Body contains "removal instructions"
Body contains "remove in the"
Body contains "extra income"
Body contains ",000" AND Body contains "!!" AND Body contains "$"
Body contains "Dear friend"
Body contains "for free?"
Body contains "for free!"
Body contains "Guarantee" AND Body contains "satisfaction" OR Body contains
Body contains "more info " AND Body contains "visit " AND Body contains "$"
Body contains "special promotion"
Body contains "one-time mail"
Body contains "$$$"
Body contains "order today"
Body contains "order now!"
Body contains "money-back guarantee"
Body contains "100% satisfied"
Body contains " mlm"
Body contains "_at_mlm"
Body contains "///////////////"
Body contains "check or money order"
Body contains "million" AND Body contains "free" AND Body contains "$"
To contains "user_at_"
To contains "friend_at_"
To contains "public_at_"
To contains "sales_at_"
To contains "success_at_"
>From contains "sales_at_"
>From contains "success."
>From contains "success_at_"
>From contains "mail_at_"
>From contains "mail."
>From contains "_at_public"
>From contains "_at_savvy"
>From contains "profits_at_"
>From contains "hello_at_"
Adult Content Filter:
Subject contains " xxx"
Subject contains "over 18"
Subject contains "over 21"
Subject contains "adult s"
Subject contains "adults only"
Subject contains "be 18"
Subject contains "18+"
Subject contains "erotic"
Subject contains "adult en"
Subject contains " sex"
Subject contains "free" AND Subject contains "adult"
Subject contains "free" AND Subject contains "sex"
Body contains "over 18"
Body contains "over 21"
Body contains "must be 18"
Body contains "adults only"
Body contains "adult web"
Body contains "must be 21"
Body contains "adult en"
Body contains "18+"
Body contains " xxx"
George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220
SLACK Incorporated - An innovative information, education and management
Received on Tue Nov 07 2000 - 21:02:13 NZDT