Summary - problem getting thru in sqlplus when firing thru c

From: <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:32:31 +0800

Thanks to the following people who helps me to point me in a right direction in
solving this problem:

Niels Joergen Kokholm -
G. Roland Sieger -
Pierre Wendling -
Phil Cooper -
Joseph -
Anthony Valentine -
Alf - - for giving the shell script on how to get rid the
user/password combination in scripts

My question is why my script is not working when it runs thru cron but its ok
when it run by hand using AT command. It is a series of script that fires first
under Operator account. And at the middle it sudo to Oracle account and
submitted the script using the "at" command.

The consensus is to check my oracle environment variable settings as job
submitted thru cron will not take Oracle environent variable settings defined
in my login profile. After hardcoding my ORACLE_HOME and PATH dir in the
script, everything works fine.

Once again, Thanks to all of you Guys...


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TDB CISD Contract Staff 5/TDB/SINGOV
13/01/2000 18:27
To: tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov_at_smtp
Subject: problem getting thru in sqlplus when firing thru crontab

Hi Managers,

Sorry for this is a bit off topic, I just wonder if any of you experience the
same problem as I have. I been getting this error msg

%%% export PATH >
%% Creating reference tables...
Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
Error in Executing intbs2006(my script) ...

This used to occur when the script tries to login in sqlplus (sqlplus
 Its a series of script but when it reach this particular scripts it can't get
The funny thing is if I rerun it (everything starting from the beginning of the
of the script) It runs ok......(this job fires thru crontab).

I've been working this with the oracle support buy they could not also give any
permanent fix to it. I even hardcoded the
PATH to see if Im in a correct path of Oracle (ORACLE_HOME).

Is any of you Guys encounter this error before....I would appreciate if someone
could give any hints why if I used
crontab this script fails but when I run it manually (at -km now) it works ok.

Tru64-unix 4.0D
RDBMS 8.0.4

Thanks for your help......(I can provide the script if you want)

Received on Tue Jan 18 2000 - 08:38:59 NZDT

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