Tape problem

From: Darryl Cook <dlc_at_cs.appstate.edu>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:42:37 -0400


I have a problem with the tape drive that I need help on. I have
searched through all the archives and found some things that are
relevant but not enough. Lately my backups have been failing with an
I/O error when it do a mt fsf ## just before the backup scripts run. I
have noticed that it only fails on tapes that have a lot of data on them
leading me to believe that possibly the end of tape is being reached
(although i have doubts about that as well). The tapes that have only a
days backup on them do not fail. I did a tapex -l? or whatever option
checks the end-of-file and it comes back normal. Uerf -R reports an
Class being Tape. Dont really understand if that is an error message
or not.

Shouldnt the tape drive notify me when it reaches the end of the tape
and ask for the second tape to be loaded?

Ideas suggestions appreciated

Received on Fri Sep 29 2000 - 12:43:24 NZST

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