Hello admins,
it might be a little off topic and i admit not to know where to look in the
archives. But here is the problem:
having "ip-printers" (i.e.: printers lpd can talk to directly), it seems
that those "printers" do not interprete the cf - file correctly. At least
they do not print multiple copies of a print-job given.
Does somebody have a piece of SW or any other suggestions wich might
overcome that kind of problem ?
TIA for your efforts !
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, kind regards
G. Roland Sieger (CIT 1)
Telefon (49) 89-5110-413
FAX (49) 89-5110-70413
EMail r.sieger_at_sued-chemie.de
Adresse Süd-Chemie AG
Lenbachplatz 6
80333 München
Received on Thu Aug 17 2000 - 13:21:21 NZST